From Noon PST to 1:30pm, it'll be a combination "Ted talk" about writing from Steven Alan Green and "town meeting" as it were, where everybody's individual creative writing interests gets covered, and indeed uncovered.
From 1:30pm to 2:00pm PST, we’ll have a casual and fun Q&A with our guest writer. Working and famous novelists, screenwriters, and stand-up comics.
“Aside from being entertaining, Steven knows how to generate a sense of community in his retreats. Participating feels like being part of a roundtable and not in a classroom - a very good feeling indeed.”
— Shawn Levy, bestselling author of “The Castle on Sunset,” “Rat Pack Confidential,” and “Paul Newman: A Life”.
All writing formats (joke writing for example) have visual stories, but also creating comedy in screenplays applies to the same "premise, set-up, punchline, call-back" formula. But, it's not just "comedy" writing we'll be discussing. Because all good comedy writing has solid dramatic underpinning elements.”
"I believe in words more than I believe in people. Words have meaning; whereas people are in constant search of meaning." - Steven Alan Green
We'll also focus on how to fit writing in with your daily life and indeed how to turn things around in your mind so that everything that happens to you, everything you experience during your waking (and sometimes even sleeping) hours, can reveal secret answers to your writers problems or block.
“One of the things I like about Steven is his passion for comedy, undiminished after 35 years in the business. Not everybody can share or teach what they know - most comics don't even know how they do what they do - Steven can, in a most fun way. I agreed to chat for a half an hour at Steven's writer workshop, and stayed for two hours.”
— Ritch Shydner, stand-up comedian, of The Tonight Show, Late Night With David Letterman, HBO and Showtime and author of “Kicking Through The Ashes: My Life as a Stand-up in the 1980’s Comedy Boom”
We will cover the finer points of rewriting. How sometimes what you write initially turns out to be "structural girders" to your "building"; revealing an even better, more complex and compelling storyline. Everyone, from established television and movie writers to the newbie just starting to finally ‘write that book or screenplay’ to the working stand-up who wants to sharpen their act, this once in a lifetime laid back, creative, informative, fun and funny and ultra-affordable online workshop might just be for you. The thing to get you through quarantine…
“Steven is a great comic and a great teacher. His years of experience give him insight into all aspects of the industry and he facilitates a conversation that is fun, interesting, and meaningful. Even as a guest, I felt I was learning and the questions asked by Steven and his students made me think about and examine my own writing process in new ways.”
— Adam Yenser, stand-up and staff writer on “Ellen”